Thursday, October 30, 2014

Mothering 2 Small Kids

Well, I'm not gonna sugar coat it. It's difficult to be a mother to a 2 year old and a 6 month old. Especially when you don't want them to eat junk and live on tv. They are both so dependent on mama for pretty much everything.

The 2 year old can do some things on her own but still can't prepare her own food and use the potty. Ugh, potty training, ugh. She doesn't want to sit on the potty. I don't believe in forcing her to do so as that WILL result in a longer uphill battle to potty train. She's also very bossy and stubborn. She wants to be outside all the day long, which I'm totally for except I have things to do and she requires my supervision to be outside.

The house brings me the most stress. It is typically in total disarray. Toys all over the place, piles of clean and dirty laundry, dishes in the sink, books flooding out of the coffee table, junk all over the computer desk. I hate it. Chaos in the environment brings chaos in my soul. I start to shut down when I see stuff all over. Ugh. I wish I had a dish washer. I'm grateful I have a washing machine. I could not imagine hand washing all those clothes. I just don't understand how there is so much laundry...EVERY day? I wear the same outfit all week long. The kids clothes are small and shouldn't take that much room in the basket to make it overflow. Hubby also wears 1 of 3 feature outfits during the week. Where o where is this mountain of laundry coming from?

Cooking is such a time consuming thing. Especially given that I make it all from scratch. This is just safer (avoid them damn GMOs and chemicals) and cheaper. But it's so hard to be in that kitchen for more than 5 minutes cuz someone is belting out my name and requiring my assistance with something. I miss having toast. I don't want to buy bread anymore cuz I cannot find one single loaf that is free of soy flour. Homemade bread is delish but so time consuming. I wish I had a bread machine, those are nice and convenient. Glad I have a blender though. My 2 year old insists on a rather liquid diet. She's all about the smoothie. She's been a picky eater since March. When will she grow out of this phase?? Trying to feed her is exhausting. I don't care if she eats much but I do care if she eats anything at all. She does pretty good at breakfast. And she loves apples, eats 1 sometimes 2 a day. Some nights she'll have 8 peas and call it dinner. Or 1/2 cup of tomatoes. She's starting to want to eat meat though.

My 6 month old is a terrible sleeper. I think this brings me the most stress as he needs to have x number of naps a day. It's a real rigamarole to get him to take a nap. I have to put socks on his hands cuz he'll scratch his head or rub his eyes. I gotta put him in the stroller cuz he needs to be rocked to sleep most times. On the rare occasion when he is ready for a nap while big sister is taking her nap, I can have success putting him to sleep on the bed but I have to lay beside him, keep my eyes closed to pretend I'm sleeping and hold his hands down as he'll try to grab my face to play. After about 20-30 minutes, he'll fall asleep. He'll wake up 30 mins later though.

I'm also fixated on their milestones. Is the 2 year old's vocabulary large enough? Is she the right height and weight? Is counting to 10 at this age good enough? Are her temper tantrums too extreme? Is she supposed to complete the puzzles by herself yet? The 6 month old doesn't babble except on the rare occasion. Is he the right weight and height? He still needs support to sit up. When is that cone head of his going to round out? Are his intestines healthy as he doesn't get much breastmilk? Why am I such a failure at producing breastmilk and getting my kids to latch??

I'm totally fixated on his head. His sister's head rounded out nicely by this age. Her cone also wasn't as high up as his. His cone doesn't touch any surface to get rounded out. I've started massaging his head every waking moment of his. I sit him up and keep him from laying on his back unless it's nap time. Took him to chiro and asked about those helmet things. He didn't seem too worried about it but it's not his baby so why would he worry that much. The GP said baby's head is an odd shape (it is a symmetrical cone, not lop sided or anything) but said it'll work itself out as he grows plus his hair will cover it. So many have made comments about his poor albeit very cute little head. One woman asked "what did you do to make his head look like that?" What a stupid question. Like any mother would do something to have their kid's head be a pronounced cone shape.

I get stressed when they both need me at the same time or they both cry at the same time. That'll usually get me to cry too. I really just want to give them the best, the best start in life, the best to have a nice life and future. But, really, every parent wants that.

At the end of each day, I usually feel like a failure cuz I didn't do this right or get this done or what what. But, I'm sure I'm not a failure. I think I just have way too great of expectations placed on myself. How to let go?

Sometimes, I say "if I know how hard having 2 so close together was going to be, I'd have waited another year before having number 2." But, really, it was the right plan. These 2 kids are already BFFs. It is so entertaining and joyful to watch them interact and play with each other. The 2 year old's first thought and comments are of the baby. She straight wakes up and goes to his bed. She'll bring something to share with him too. She gives him hundreds of kisses a day. She's by his side. If he cries, she's straight "help mama, baby crying." No one (except me and her) are allowed to touch baby either. When we were at the chiro she was quite upset that the dr touched bebe. She kept saying no and was grabbing at dr's hand to remove from bebe. Then she grabbed bebe's hand and gave it gentle kisses. She frequently is touching him going "shhh, shhh" and kisses him. She talks non stop to him. She wipes his mouth if he has a drool or if the cloth isn't nearby she says "help, baby burp." The neighbour kids were huddled around baby the other day and she got mad and shouted noooo came running over and gave him a protective hug and kiss. The boy is her baby. She insists he be in tummy time so she can be across from him in tummy time to chat away face to face. He also loves her. He always flashes huge smiles and giggles for her. He always reaches for and grabs her too. They have this thing where they'll have a fun scream thing. She'll scream with joy, then he'll scream, then she'll scream, then he'll scream and then they both laugh. I love watching them together. It brings me immense joy. I could just gobble these 2 delightful creatures up with a spoon. Love love love em.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

2nd Pregnancy at 35

Absolutely sucks. Especially the third trimester!

I started out the first trimester being so awesome with my wheat free, dairy free, sugar free, tonnes of veggies etc nutrition and my wonderful workout routine and my pregnancy boosting supplements. The first 6 weeks were stellar and I thought "wow, I'm gonna rock this pregnancy better than the first"

Then that nausea set in. It wasn't as intense as the first one and thought, "ok, I can do this. It's not as bad as the first." But then it intensifed a bit and was different from the first in a way that it was a low nagging nausea in the pit of my stomach and suprisingly eating was the only thing that kept it in check. 10 mins after stopping eating, it would return. So I munched pretty much all day while taking the Magen, which wasn't as helpful this time around. I ate things like raw carrots and homemade hummus. Then I needed pasta and sandwiches like I transformed into Joey Tribianni. Yho, it fell a part a bit there. The nausea "shockingly" got bit more intense (still not as bad as with number 1). I stopped exercising as awesomely as I was in the beginning but did something a couple times a week as the exhaustion allowed. And I started feeling freezing cold. Also, having a busy toddler is quite taxing when pregnant. First pregnancy, I was free to rest or whatever my body needed. But this pregnany has really been about the busy and easily bored toddler. But shortly after 2nd trimester set in, the nausea and fatigue settled down.

This was my breather trimester. Summer also rolled in. I was eating decent. No intense cravings like I had with little miss. Well, I wanted some ice cream each day but that may be due to the incredible heat of summer coupled with being a furnace of a pregnant lady. Yho, I've never felt so hot in my life! Not even when I used to do Bikram Yoga. Luckily, the complex has a pool. We made use of that every afternoon. It was bliss. We walked around each morning and swam every afternoon. So all in all cant complain about 2nd trimester.

Then March set in, height of 3rd trimester. I have not known pain/illness like this before! It's day 27 of physical trial and tribulation. The weather transition rapidly from summer to winter (um, where did fall go??) and bubs got a cold and cough. Her cough was quite full of congestion, she sounded like a purring cat when she breathed. She got it from one of these clowns that she plays with in the complex (kids dont know how to cover their mouth when they cough). She even needed some antibiotics. I'm not a big fan of big pharma and got the natural route but there are some times and places where meds are required to get the situation in control, but its not my first go to. She was fine in a couple days but hubs and I got her cold. He got the cough part and I got the head cold part. It was a whole week, which is absolutely unheard of for me and my pretty stellar immune system. But you may not know this, pregnancy kills your immune system (and metabolism) so your body can focus on growing a baby. So there you have it, step 1 to what was ahead. Then as the cold was clearing up, I got a tummy bug. That wasnt fun. No vomitting, just the other thing. That concerned me cuz that kind of lower body movement can jump start labor. But it settled down in time for my lumbar to be out. Out like not before. O the pain. I hobbled around like a geriatric. Then my hip kicked in the next day. Walking was accomplishing the impossible. I went to the chiropractor. He aligned me, and I was really misaligned. But my hip somehow missed the message and stayed in a most excrutiating way. Then 2 days after the chiro, that cold that "cleared up" transitioned into a sinus infection. So far, quite possibly, the most pain I've ever felt. My entire left facial bone structure felt like it was going to burst. Like a freight train powed me in the cheek! I cried like a baby. Because the sinus pocket touches down onto the molar roots, tooth pain was very present. So much so, I thought I had a tooth thing going on and ran to the dentist. He said my teeth are fine and explained that sinus thing I just did. Only thing the pharmacist and gynae said I could do was take some Panado for the pain and was sinus out with seawater nasal spray. This past month, I've been eating raw garlic like candy, squirting seawater up my nose like cocaine (cant think of anything else you'd put up your nose for drastic comparison??), consuming Rescue Remedy like water and begging/praying for some relief. My sinus isn't as painful as it was a couple days ago but still aches like a steady headache but in my face. I've almost used the entire seaspray in 6 days. And my hip still hurts. Tried a massage today. Could only afford the half hour session. It helped relax the muscles so the pain is less intense. Looking forward to the day of pushing this kid out. But then there's all that postpartum yuckiness to deal with (bladder control, hemorrhoids, bleeding, breastfeeding trials and pains). So really, looking forward to the end of June. Then I have a big job of post natal weight loss. O sigh. There may not be a third baby, unless we become really rich and I can afford helpful things like: nanny/ maid, weekly chiro visits, weekly prenatal massage, home waterbirth, etc.

If you're married and under 35, best to start having them babies now, cuz yho pregnancy ages you like 10-50 years depending on if its first or subsequent pregnancy. Ps, your hips never really go back into place so that second baby will be a killer unless you are a teeny tiny skinny mini.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Toddler Activities

I'm constantly googling ideas for this child of mine, for her development and fun activities to do at home on a tight budget. Here's what I've put together so far. This is for her current 18month old style (the previous acitivities for X month old have been retired as she's outgrown some).

I've put these into 3 groups: Play time, Music time and Craft time. Why have I done this? Kids need routine, they learn through repetition, they are busy and need wholesome things to keep them busy well, aids their sensory development and we know the benefits of music.

Disclaimer: I'm not a perfect mom, much to learn. I'm just doing the best with the info I get and the tools I have at my finger tips.

1. Sensory Bins and Bottles

So your imagination is what will limit you here. If there's a tangible object, you can turn it into a sensory box. I've made up 5, not because my imagination is limited but because I have 5 empty bins/boxes to use.

A. Bean Sorter
On the right. I've put black eyed peas, split peas and popcorn kernels along with a 3 section egg tray for the legumes to be sorted in. Plus I've added a scoop. She loves this. Great for fine motor development. I've taught her to be a clean kid too cuz if she drops 1 split pea on the ground, she picks it up and puts it back in the bin straight away! Love it!

B. Pasta Plus
On the left. I've put in macaroni, cotton and shredded paper along with a container to keep these items separated. Plus I've added a spoon for stirring. She likes to take the cotton and rub it gently on her cheek and she loves the sound the macaroni makes when she stirs it up.

C. Dancing Color Experiments
In the middle. There are also some craft items squeezed in there (I need another bin for grocery shop will have to get ice cream...dang, hey!). So for the colors I have a small bottle of vinegar, baggie of baking soda, food color, plastic syringe to squeeze vinegar on to colored baking soda and 3 little dishes. As she is young, I do 2 primary colors. Once the dancing stops, I add water. Then I ask, what happens if we mix the blue with the red water? It turns purple! She says OoooOoOOOoooOoo through the whole process. Then puts her hand in each dishy of water. Then she stacks the 3 dishes up when she's had enough.

D. Beach Experience
This is not in the photo. It is powder sand, shells and stones all from the beach. She loves to dig in the sand. And of course the feel of powder white sand is quite luxurious.

As she gets older, I'll have a packet of plastic animals she can play with in the bins and I'll probably go with more themes like the beach theme rather than just pasta/cotton/paper. Ever changing!

E. Sensory Bottles

There's only 3 but there are more coming as I get the empty bottles. The one on the left has shampoo and washers. This illustrates how objects move slower in thicker liquids. The middle is rainbow rice that I dyed last night and treasure trinkets buried inside. I tried to shake it to show a trinket but the rice kept burying it when I placed it upright. The one on the right has water, blue dye, sparkles and a couple small crab shells. Sometimes I wonder who enjoys these bottles more, me or her?? More to come (again imagination is what will limit).

2. Blocks and Stackers
I have wooden blocks, a couple big soft blocks, measuring cups and recently was given stacking cups. She's up to building a 7 block tower but gets really mad if the 8th block knocks it over. She has my temperment.

3. Books
I started reading to her, well... when she was in the womb, but in real life when she was 1 month old. Her first book was about 4 fabric pages with crinkly paper inside and a mirror on the back. She laughed at the stuff on the green page and to this day is quite drawn to green (I think it's her fav color). She LOVES books! It's one of the few playtime activities that will keep her occupied for more than 5 minutes. She is gentle with books too. Never tears the pages. We go grab the max 7 from the library every couple weeks and I have a few in her collection. They range from board books, learning books (1sts), fun short stories and a couple Hungarian books.

4. Puzzles
I know puzzles say not for children under 3 but I'm not a conventional rule follower all the time. She has the foamy letter/number puzzles, wooden puzzle and recent addition of the piece puzzles. Her main objective is to take the puzzle apart. She can put the wooden numbers into their slots on the puzzle with my help. And today, I got her a 24 piece. She even grabbed 2 pieces that fit together twice but mainly enjoyed taking it apart and putting it into a pile here and then over there. Whatever dude, gets her exposed and soon she'll be an efficienado. Tomorrow I'm going to make her some 2 piece puzzles out of the animal pictures on cardboard.

5. Balls in Bucket
This is probably her fav thing. She has been a big fan of balls since 4 months old and is a very efficient thrower now. I have 3 colorful plastic balls, a small bouncy globe ball, tennis ball, soft plush ball, bigger bouncy textured ball and from time to time she starts rolling my big yoga ball around the house. Any time we pass a bin of balls in a store she points, jabbers and gets excited. She's working on kicking now. I want to sign her up for soccer (there is a club 18months-3) but it's in the southern suburbs which is a bit far at this point. Maybe next season.

6. Bubbles
She loves bubbles. She loves to chase after them and if they land intact on the floor, she loves to step on them (in a most delicate manner I might add). Easy recipe 1 cup water, 4 tablespoons dish soap, 2 tablespoons glycerin.

7. Freeplay
This develops her independence (which is quite developed already) and imagination. Here is where she can enjoy her toy toys like her mickey mouse car, musical caterpillar, stuffed animals, etc.

8. Outside Time
This takes up the bulk of her awake time. We go outside 2-3 times a day for almost an hour each time. She gets quite upset when we come inside. She loves to walk around the complex. She has a route (creature of habit). First stop is the pool area. She likes to do a lap around the pool. Then we do her preferred route around the flats and grassy area. When the other kids are home from school, she dumps the route in favor of play with the children. She also has 3 specific plants she likes to gather from-lavendar bush, cool textured succulent plant and the pink/yellow flower bush by our front door. She'll walk the whole time with one of those plants clutched in her hand. We also like to paint with nature. We take leaves and the make a pretty green streak on the brick. There are these black berry things and these red berry like things that also leave pretty colors on the brick. Sometimes we even make an impromptu nature sensory bucket with a collected variety of leaves and flowers in a plastic bowl. She loves nature like me.

So that's our play time. We obviously don't do all 8 things everyday. The only daily occurence is books, balls, outside and I try really hard to get a sensory activity in each day. But some days, life happens and we have to go grocery shopping or fun happens and we head into town to the big awesome park (that takes the whole morning pre nap time) and of course there's Sundays with church and now nursery. She was so good on her first day at nursery last week. Awwwwwwwwww. She folded her arms and listened to the lesson and daintally ate her snack and politely played with the toys. I almost cried 3 times just watching how adorable and wonderful she is. Love her!!!!

Music time
We've been exposing her to music since before birth. When she was new, papa was always singing a Burundian lullaby to her. So precious. I was always singing hymns to her. Now, I've made a singing time box.

I just started it this week so it's quite minimal but honestly enough for her attention span. I have my song list divided into action songs and prop songs. I made some music shakers out of old vitamin bottles, lentils and nature scene magazine paper. Her fav song is Itsy Bitsy Spider. She's always putting her fingers together like the spider climbing up the spout to request me to sing it. After every song I sing, she claps and says Yay! My number 1 fan folks. We bought her a tamborine today and she has a pretty awesome keyboard complete with beat option keys that she got for her first bday. She loves the beats and dances to them. From time to time we "drum" with containers and sticks. I also have some kiddy CDs to play while we do other things like craft time. Which leads me to...

Craft time
Well, as you may have guessed it, babes arent crafty experts. However, this activity still develops skills so we go forth anyhow. Collages are good to give baba gluing and pasting skill development. She prefers to put the lid on and off the glue stick but will run a streak of glue on the paper every once in awhile. Finger painting is probably best bet for this age. I've made them from cornstarch, color and water; flour, color and water; equal parts flour, salt, water plus color in a squeezy bottle. This one dries puffy and sparkly from the salt. And next will do the jello one where you add just enough hot water to get the consistency of paint. I've also made a couple home made playdoughs plus I have some store bought ever lasting playdough and cutters. She loves playdough. This play will last a while for her. My next project with her will include making a candy house or icing cookies or something confectionary like.

And there you have it. My 3 groups of activities to keep this woman busy, entertained, learning and growing. I love being a SAHM. Sometimes, I have more fun doing these activities than she does. Sometimes this woman does a better job of entertaining me than I her. She's quite a comedian! Her new schtick now is closing her eyes and walking then laughing about it. One time, however, she walked into the chair...she didnt laugh but I did. She's really good at clowning around. And she is really clever. She understands everything I say. If I say, go get your shoes, she goes and gets her shoes and brings them to the chair where I put them on her and she gets really excited cuz she knows it's outside time. I hope this boy in my belly is going to be fun, smart and cute like her. Will find out in a few weeks.