Monday, February 27, 2012

101 Goals in 1001 Days

Inspired by my friend Kristi, I've decided to embark upon 101 goals within 1001 days. It took a couple days to come up with my list but I did it. This challenge is to run from February 27, 2012 to November 23, 2014. I was encouraged to come up with some goofy ideas too but after comprising my list, I failed at the goofy. Yes a bit odd seeing as I'm quite a goofy person to begin with. Maybe that's why goofy isn't on my list. Cuz it's a normal part of my everyday as is. So here's my quite practical list divided into a few categories:

Travel (this category is small due to the time frame and money required in such a small chunk of time)
1.       Go to Ushaka Marine World in Durban (as close to a "Disney" experience as I can now)
2.       Go to Burundi to visit hubby's home country and family
3.       Take the train with Freddy somewhere interesting but not too far away
4.       Go on a romantic mini break with Freddy (best before baby arrives!)
5.       Own a sofa/couch
6.       Start a change jar towards our Disney 2022 savings fund
7.       Compile a book of my fav recipes including mom’s Hungarian ones, print and bind
8.       Get new sheets for the bed
9.       Take all glass bottles to be refunded and put proceeds into either Disney or baby savings
10.   Defrost freezer (not something I WANT to do but more HAVE to do)
11.   Replant my african violet into a bigger pot
12.   Complete all FHE activities in our FHE book (except a max of 5 which are impractical to our situation)
13.   Grow my own veggies
14.   Grow my own herbs
15.   Live in our own place that has at least one bedroom and yard area (rent or ownership)
16.   Own a washing machine
17.   Own a deep freeze
18.   Own a kitchen table
19.   Prepare a week’s worth of meals in one day so I don’t have to cook for a whole week
20.   Prepare a month’s worth of meals in one day so I won’t have to cook for a whole month
21.   Keep baby nursery to bare basics- bed, change table and breastfeeding chair
22.   Have at least 4 month’s food storage
23.   Have 3 month’s living expenses saved
24.   Get content’s insurance
25.   Make tortillas cuz they are really over priced here
26.   Paint a canvas to hang on the wall
27.   Bake wacky cake, cut into squares, wrap nice and have Freddy sell to co-horts on mtn
28.   Open an acct for baby’s education savings
29.   Have X saved in baby’s savings
30.   Frame and hang our wedding invitation
31.   Frame and hang our wedding photo
32.   Make baby’s first foods from scratch
33.   Prepare a CAD traditional festive meal for one of the holidays
34.   Make pumpkin pie (not sure why this recipe intimidates me?)
35.   Get pretty boxes to organize memories-my travels before marriage, me and freddy, baby
36.   Eat out at Moyo
37.   Use our complimentary dance lesson voucher
38.   Check out the Kalk bay theatre sports
39.   Check out hout bay organic market
40.   Go to the reconciliation labyrinth at slangkop lighthouse in kommetjie
41.   Check out Long Street Baths for a mere R12 per person
42.   Photo shoot at 8 months pregnant of baby belly (I'd like to have some henna done on belly too)
43.   Serendipity maze at sea pointe
44.   Do the 45 min bird walk on intaka island at century city
45.   Check out cool runnings toboggan track in bellville
46.   Ride along the canal in the red bus co boat
47.   Get a tent
48.   Have family camping trip near Simonstown after baby turns 1
49.   Revisit Ratanga Junction and ride monkey falls and crocodile gorge until I get bored of them
50.   Go to the neighborgoods market in Woodstock
51.   Go to access park which is a bargain hunter’s dream
52.   Throw a birthday party a la my website style (me/freddy/baby)
53.   Start writing Freddy’s story of escape, survival to success
54.   Read the 1st book of a popular series to see what the big deal is (harry potter or twilight, etc)
55.   Read all the remaining books of that popular series
56.   Watch a non-hollywood movie
57.   Watch a movie at grand west casino
58.   Learn how to play chess so Freddy and I can play our game
59.   Take the free tour of parliament
60.   Swim in the big pool in sea pointe
61.   Do the full circuit in the outdoor free gym at sea pointe
62.   Go to the national gallery
63.   Go skating with Freddy
64.   Go fruit picking in Ceres
65.   Play in snow in Ceres or somewhere else that gets snow in SA
66.   See some game animals
67.   Attend a local football game
68.   Go out for breakfast
69.   Try crocodile meat
70.   Host a nice garden party with finger sandwiches, teas and hoighty toighty mini pastries
71.   Host a mad hatter tea party
72.   Swim with the penguins again
73.   Revisit Kirstenbosch complete with a prepared picnic and really explore all the garden has
74.   Go to the observatory
75.   Go to Clifton beach
76.   Do 3 tourist things that I haven’t done yet
77.   Eat alot of sushi after baby is born
78.   Go to an exhibition (baby, food, health, whatever)
79.   Go to a theatre show with hubby
80.   Go bowling with hubby
81.   Bike a portion of that trail along the R27 with hubby
82.   Attend a community/city event/festival
83.   Sign up for somekind of mommy and me class
84.   Get down to specified weight sometime after baby 1 is done breastfeeding and before getting pregnant with baby 2
85.   Get rid of x on foot
86.   Successfully complete a fruit and veg cleanse for a whole weekend after breastfeeding is done
87.   Do yoga everyday for one week
88.   Get Freddy on medical aid before he turns 35
89.   Do regular breast exams once a month
90.   Go to the dentist for check up and cleaning before week 26 of this pregnancy
91.   Hypnobirth my baby
92.   Do dad’s temple work shortly after his one year mark
93.   Do my hair and make up every Sunday for 1 month
94.   Reconnect with 3 friends on facebook
95.   Write an old fashioned letter and mail to 3 family members
96.   Replace all current clothes (except lululemon stuff) with new pretty clothes
97.   Finish reading new testament all the way through with hubby
98.   Learn enough Kirundi so I can conversate with mama Gene
99.   Get a winter jacket
100.   Own more than 2 pairs of pants, 3 skirts and 2 shorts
101.  Carry my baby African style at least once- on my back with aid of a towel

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can do all these things within 1001 days. Here goes....

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I'm not fat. I'm pregnant.

words i have to keep telling myself.

2012, the year of the dragon, is a nice year so far. i'm 15 weeks pregnant, hubby and i have our own business and it's going pretty good. i had dedicated 2012 the year of blessings. it's amazing how positive thought can have such an influence on how your life goes.

i'm super excited for my mom. she is finally going to get to retire back in budapest. she's going in may, yay! she also plans to come here once little peanut is born.

i'm looking forward to the baby coming. the first few months will be a sleepy blur, so i've been told, but i'm still excited. i was in clicks yesterday and wandered into the baby section (this is my new thing, suddenly i've wandered into the baby section of any store i'm in) and got really excited about a small pack of newborn diapers. one wouldn't think that diapers would get you excited but they did. had our second ultrasound done 2 weeks ago. the little guy's back was turned to us but everytime the gynae pressed the scan handheld device into my belly, the baby turned it's head and opened it's mouth as if to say "oy, stop that! it's uncomfy."

i read story books to little peanut. hubby read a book to little peanut the other day too. i have such a wonderful husband. he's even reading the hypnobirthing book. afterall, he will be my birth companion. the only tricky thing about pregnancy here is co-ordinating what you want with the right care provider that medical aid is willing to pay for a portion of. o my word. my admin skills can't keep up with the mind spinning and varying answers and political roundabout repsonses i get. my goal is to get all this jazz sorted before my third trimester so i can just focus on baby and baby stuff. it'd be much easier if we were rich but then again everything in life is easier if you're rich. sometimes, i feel a bit restricted as a pregnant lady. there are many things you can't have and can't do. but i'm trying to focus on the magic that is pregnancy and birth. last night, i started to feel the little peanut in my womb. it feels like a water balloon. but i can only feel it when i lay on my back. otherwise, i don't feel pregnant. the first trimester you feel pregnant only cuz you are nauseos all the live long day. i'm proud to say that i never threw up once tho. my fav things these days are purple grapes, papaya, orange juice, avo, egg and peanut butter. o and italian food.

for valentines day, hubby took me out for italian food. it was fabulous. the place was close by, cheap and nice. i'd like to go again today but we must restrain ourselves cuz baby is coming and man, baby is expensive! my dreams of having 4 kids is dwindling. bottom line, it's all in God's hands.