Thursday, March 1, 2012

Items 6, 9, and 90 Completed

#6- Have a change jar towards our Disney 2022 savings fund

As you can see, I made a change holder out of an old bottle. Not only do I recycle, I also re-use (and I reduce).

Note the painted canvas in the background-my daddy painted that so it's extra special to me and has more value than a Monet.

According to today’s prices…

-air Cape to Paris R6000 per person (oldest child will be 9, second will be 6 or 7 who knows if there’ll be more? Do airlines charge full fare for 6 year olds? I’m sure they do for 9 year olds) at 3.5 people is R21,000

-4 night stay including room at Sequoia Lodge, park tickets and breakfast is R9285 (kids under 12 stay and play for free and one night and one day is free)

…Disney portion of Euro family vacay will cost R30,285 plus lunch and dinner and airport transfer. Now in all fairness, the air from Cape is more accountable for our family visit to Budapest and Sweden. So perhaps, I’d be better to find the fare of air from Stockholm/Budapest to Paris. Or even more entertaining, the train! So if we include the air, I’d need to put R252 a month in our Disney jar otherwise, if it’s just the actual Disney portion of the trip, I’d need to put R77 a month in our Disney jar, which is roughly $10. I like that figure!!

#9 Take all glass bottles to be refunded and put proceeds into either Disney or baby savings
All those bottles were returned at our corner 7 11 and I promptly put the returned deposit into the Disney jar.

#90 Go to the dentist for check up and cleaning before week 26 of this pregnancy
I made my apt for next week and that will be the extent of the blogging I’ll do on this subject other than it’s a perk of my medical aid- 2 free cleanings a year and up to 3 fillings a day (how many teeth does he think I have that 3 a day need to be filled?) I’ll just stick with the cleanings for now thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for starting on your list! Good luck with the saving for Euro Disney! I've been there twice and it's pretty fun. Actually went there before I'd ever ever been to Disneyland in Cali. It doesn't have all the same rides and is not as big but still a good time. And plus, Paris is just cool.
