I am loving motherhood! I spend 24/7 with this baby and it's so fun and doesn't get old. We have lot's of cuddle time, outside time, play time, exercise time, story time, song time. One of our fav things to do is play ball. I sit her on one end of the loveseat and I at the other. Then we roll this soft soccer ball back and forth (she got it for Christmas) and we are both all smiles and squeals of happiness. My baby loves to use her feet as weapons. She pushes them into my leg, pinches my skin with her toes and then twists and turns them. She loves to kick anything and everything near her feet. And she kicks hard! But that's not what I'm here to talk to you about today...
I'm actually not here to talk to you about anything specific. Just some random thoughts. Well, maybe random isn't the word I want.
I can't wait to have baby #2 then #3 (that is if I'm blessed to have more kids). If I were in my 20's, I'd probably try to get pregnant next month. But alas, I'm mid 30's so I feel I should wait until LO is 1 so my body has that time to rebuild calcium, iron and folic acid stores to give #2 a healthy start. Plus, I still have 4kg pregnancy weight I want to shed plus a little more. I want to be thinner at the start of this next pregnancy.
I lost 6kgs so far this month. In a nutshell, it's all about eating protein, veg, fats together and carbs, vegs together and fruit alone on empty stomach. Why? Protein requires a more acidic environment to digest whereas carbs (as in grains) require a more alkaline environment. If the two are eaten together you get indigestion. Fruits digest quickly thus they shouldn't be combined with other foods to avoid gas. And fats mixed with protein doesn't cause weight gain whereas carbs with fat equals weight gain. And I avoid sugars. I honestly don't feel deprived one teeny bit! I had loosened the "reins" to have a cheat meal today and I just don't need it. I had peanut butter on toast and popcorn. That was my cheat meal! I don't think I'll have a cheat day this coming week cuz like I said, I don't feel deprived.
FB is becoming so old news and quite boring. I want to leave but I have so many photos on there I don't want to lose them and I have no desire to download them all!! I've just decided to not really go on it anymore.
I'd love to go on a family vacation. DH and I haven't been anywhere except for our mini honeymoon a couple years ago. We went an hour away up the coast for 3 nights. We couldn't afford to do much. I'd be thrilled to just go camping! But DH has never gone camping and has a tainted idea of what camping is (sleeping in the bush with bugs and praying bad guys don't come and get us). He also thinks it's absolutely absurd to take a baby camping. Africans.
I deleted my FB account over two years ago and have never regretted it! Actually I felt free after I deleted it. Lol.