Thursday, February 21, 2013

Feeling Stressed

My baby hasn't grown in length in 3 months. She's been stuck at 62cm for a long time. She is also quite constipated now (with the switching to the 6 month old formula). I'm like sweating bullets that I'm not doing a good job here. She is gaining weight and has enough wet diapers (at least 6) but her pee is looking a bit yellow. She drinks about 525-750ml of formula a day and she is content with that amount. But I've read that she should have at least 710ml now but on the other hand many many tell me she is too fat and drinks too much formula (including a nurse).

The constipation is stressing me so I try to give her water/baby rooibos tea (40-100ml a day). I never gave her much water until her 4 month mark when the teen tiny BMilk of mine ran out (and then it was about 30ml water/tea in a day to help her poo). But now I'm reading a baby shouldn't have water cuz it interferes with their mineral/vitamin absorption. Is this why she hasn't grown in length? She doesn't really even accept the water anyways. I've read that a little prune juice for baby is ok for the constipation so I bought prunes and boiled it and used the liquid as prune juice (1 tbsp with enough water to make 40ml). I pureed/strained the prunes and am giving a few tsp for her 3rd food intro for this 24hr period. She really strains and cries a bit when trying to poo, which of course makes me cry a lot! I don't want my baby in pain. I also don't want her to be fat and suffer in life like I have. It really sucks to be a chunky woman!!! I want her to be happy and healthy and fit.

I am still traumatized by the whole BF fiacso. I tried for 4 months to get her to latch. Barely any milk came out with an electric pump too. The thought of it still brings me to tears. I don't think it'll stop hurting until I see her grown up healthy and happy. I know this whole BF failure is what is causing her to be overweight, underheight, and constipated. She is quite happy tho (unless we're getting close to nap time whether she wants to nap or not-again, I'm sure it's lack of BF related). I wanna go to the paed but it is really really expensive and our medical aid wont cover a specialist for a routine check up. So, trying to go to GP for her 6 month check up (difficult to find a day with hubby's busy job and we only have 1 remote for the complex gate and I really don't wanna hit the sketchy streets of Parklands where our GP is with my precious little one without a car/hubby). On another note, she is quite lazy physcially. She rarely ever rolls. She hates tummy time. I wonder if she'll ever crawl.

Any moms out there experience/ experienced any of this????

Prunes all over her cutie face. She is a smart, happy, curious, funny, strong baby, I'll say that!! And I love her more than anything. I miss her when she is sleeping. She gets a million cuddles a day.  I want the best for her


  1. You are obviously a very good mom if you worry this much. Constipation can be an issue babies when they start solids. We add a bunch of fiber to baby's diet and the gut struggles to cope. Could you stay with her original formula until you get the solids going? I know that everyone gets bent out of shape with iron stores, but maybe the switch with the solids is just too much right now. It takes time for the gut to mature. I really didn't get Liam onto solids until closer to 7 months and then only once a day. It's about the experience at this point, not nutrition. I can remember Liam went 14 days without pooping (although he was breast fed) and i was into the health unit frequently. I know the advice around here is to give small amounts of prune or pear juice.
    As for her growth, I think we get too hung up on numbers. It's like we need approval from a growth chart. My guess is she will take off at some point. I know Liam goes out (looks fat) and al of a sudden shoots up. He is a broad and will never be a slim little kid. Liam hated tummy time (as do most babies) and didn't crawl until 10 1/2 months. But now we can't stop him and he runs everywhere. He literally runs laps around the house.
    Your baby is adorable and looks happy and healthy.

    Here is the link to the book all new parents in BC get. I know some people are anti information put out by the government, however, I find it quite forward thinking. It doesn't mean you have to follow all the advice, but it gives a starting place.

    I sate to relax and enjoy your baby. Try not to take what others say about your baby to heart. You know what is best for your baby and you get to make the choices for your family not any well meaning know it all. Just smile and nod and then you can think in your head "what a nut job".

    Good luck Edith! You are doing great.

  2. Hi Eeds,

    I agree with Kerry. Try not to get too down on yourself about the whole breastfeeding thing. I was like this for ages with Bethany because she was so skinny for ages (as a baby) and I thought that I was a bad mom because of is hard when it is your first child too. I think that you are doing a marvelous job. If Neveah is happy and sleeping well and gaining weight than that is the main thing. I don't think that she is too chubby at all. Trust me, you want a baby that has a few rolls (neither of my kids were / are like this) and anyway, just because she has a few rolls now it doesn't mean that she will be like this her whole life! Don't worry too much about her not growing in length for awhile....she will catch up! The one thing I;ve learned my second time around is to really not get caught up witht hye percentiles and numbers etc. it will just stress you out. Bethany was constipated at times too (formuls does tend to do that with babies but it will work itself out...just keep trying with some water - I've been giving Jeremy sips of water since he was about 4-5 months or so and it hasn't hurt him) and treally do what you feel is right and things will work out. Bethany didn't poop for about 11 days as a baby and then WHOA!!!! I tried prune juice with her too and it can't hurt. You are a super mom and don't you forget it! Jeremy hasn't been big on moving around lots either....he only started rolling regularly (though he could do it months earlier) on Christmas Day and hasn't tried crawling or anything yet and he is 9 and a half months! Bethany did things like rolling and crawling on her own time too. Hope this feedback helps!
